Liquefy Illiquid Assets to Produce More Net Income

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Liquefy Illiquid assets (real estate) and produce more net income to you and more inheritance to your heirs

There are ways to be able to take advantage of opportunities in the tax code, including but not limited to: income tax law, estate tax law, insurance law, pension law, and lending laws that you need to be familiar with.

When discussed and implemented correctly, by timing, combining and sequencing the aforementioned, in some situations it is possible to create liquidity out of real estate equity and increase income tax savings without 1031 exchanges.

If properly orchestrated, you could generate more net after-tax income with less risk. Also, if properly structured you could have more of your estate assets go to your heirs with less estate tax.

If you’re not aware of how a situation like this works, we invite you to connect with us to learn more!

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